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Home > Hotel > Italia > Veneto

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Hotel Fiera Verona      hotel Verona
Via Zannoni, 26 - Verona - VR - +39 045 8204485 - +39 045 8231378
Garda Bike Hotel (S.H.Veronello)      hotel Bardolino
Via Veronello - 37011 - Bardolino - VR - 045/6260126 - 045/235756

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Hotel Terme Adriatico      hotel Abano Terme Bagni
Viale Mazzini 11 - 35031 - Abano Terme Bagni - PD - 049/8600288 - 049/8601485

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Hotel Olympia Terme      hotel Montegrotto Terme
Viale Stazione, 25 - 35036 - Montegrotto Terme - PD - +39 049/793499

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Hotel Caesius Terme    sup   hotel Bardolino
Via Peschiera, 3 - 37011 - Bardolino - VR - +39 045/7219700 - +39 045/7219700

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Residence Eleonora      hotel Sottomarina
via San felice 111 - 30015 - Sottomarina - VE - 0415507122 - 0414967983

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Hotel Ginevra      hotel Lido Di Jesolo
Via Padova 2 - 30017 - Lido Di Jesolo - VE - +39 0421 971877 - +39 0421 377644

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La Caminatha      hotel Zoldo Alto
via Col, 1 - 32010 - Zoldo Alto - BL - 0437789138

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Residence Bosco Canoro      hotel Bibione
Via Puccini 35 C.P. 116 - 30020 - Bibione - VE - +39 0431 43.56.4 - +39 0431 43.93.38

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Costarica Bibione Aparthotel      hotel Bibione
Via Dei Gemelli, 59 - Bibione - VE - +39 0431 439344

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